
Showing posts from August, 2020

Fictional Characters: Storytelling

Taking a life lesson or the morale of a story to heart cannot be understated. When you take a character, plot, story development, authorial analysis, or storyline seriously, you get the chance to take characters home with you. With that chance, you can substantiate prior learned lessons. Fictional characters have a lot to offer. Substituting hard-work with an an author's take on culture saves you time, energy, and painfulness.  I cannot commend reading enough. Reading fiction has tremendous value. Oftentimes, you come across a character that explains someone in your life or past. Fiction can bring healing. You develop mentally. You get smarter. You learn interesting things. You learn about yourself, your family, and the world around you. Character development does not pertain exclusively to real-life observations. That characters you come across in a book are just as fascinating as the ones you would encounter in your life.  In a way, embracing a work of fiction in a way that ...

Inter-Denominational Conflicts: The Visitor's View

  A visitor has the eyes in the Christian world. While the boundaries are legalistic, the participants have not felt bound to separating one Biblical foundation from the other. For the lovers of thinking, organizing the Old and New Testaments brought revivalism to the front porch. A disciple was distinguished from an evangelists, the latter being far in terminology from a missionary. It is well to maintain the distance. Christianity lends itself to a respect of lawfulness in physicality and spirituality. Unfortunately, the physical world does not mirror that order.  Inter-denominational conflicts include everybody. Each denomination or combination is guilty. No church that I have visited ventured to openly preach an acceptance of Christian houses. Every church seemed to show an earthly preference for a way that is newer than the pillars of Christianity. Nuances should not replace thematics that valuate. From the visitor's placemat, it is easy to see the church's views on matte...

An Introduction: Memoirs

Even though it is Fall, my mind is on Spring. In Elementary school, autobiographies were depressing. Colored pages were easier to choose. The illustrator made sense. Anthropologists would not make sense. Besides falling in love with Anthropologists and Archaeologists, I have learned to accept Sociology and the path it brings. This has led me to revisiting my childhood fears of a person's life being committed to ink. No, non-fiction is not definitively boring. Biographies, autobiographies, memoirs, and the neighboring genres and sub-genres are mentally, logically, and sensibly stimulating.  How can the change from enemy of non-fiction to friendly occur? Memoirs are surprisingly exciting. They are easy to understand. The issues one would come across are relevant to any stage of life. For example, coming to terms with a serious illness is considerably easier when one is certain that it is a common phenomenon.  If you want to appreciate a memoir, reconsider your place in your fami...

Fictional Characters: A Leading Lady

  Historically, writers have gained relevance by coat-tailing older, more established means of creativity. Patronage has come to represent more than an elitist claim to ascension. As a result, dependency has proved to be an enemy of Artisans and artwork.  Presently, a leading lady is appealing only insofar as the targeted audience can easily discover morality and adventure given a compass or guide that pertains to the writer or an affiliated view. The right leading lady clearly belongs to a neighborhood. This can be ascertained through communication, manners, fashion, and artfulness. A leading lady is only as worthwhile as the work of art. However, deception is inherent when an enveloped unnecessarily. There is a place for being futuristic or ultra-modern. It is not always beneficial to advertise newness, edge, and controversy. In some instances, a protagonist, an assisting lady, or a counter party can add value to a work by using the platform to showcase growth, willingness, ...

Teachable Worldviews

 Mothers, sisters, daughters, and educators can learn from modern technology. I do not recommend a holistic approach to using social media and other creative outlets. Minimalism requires a meticulous eye towards cleanliness while balancing light and color. With this in mind, I advise a tailored approach to websites, magazines, graphic design, and eventing that is preferable to displaced norms. For example, Pinterest can be used to add a personal touch to any idea board. Except for a few inventions, technical advancements are not noteworthy.  Utility has relevance if citing a microwave, an oven, or a sewing machine. There is confusion between a stairway, an elevator, and an escalator.  Informecials are addictive and unhealthy but play a key role as a vehicle to the market. Shopping has changed. Consumers must set a pace for themselves in order to maintain relevance despite their mundane schedules.