Animistic Social Security


To rely on secular ancient rituals and practices has unforeseeable horrors that ought to be taken into consideration in a world where modesty, family, community, and personhood is becoming increasingly beneficial.

I despise animism not just because it is gothic in structure, but because it consumes the decent side of a gentle creature.

I despise superstition not just because it competes with common sense, but because it has yet to triumph over lesser virtues.

I despise idolatry not just because it is dependent on a professed enemy, but also because it can be confused for materialism and shopping.

I despise cannibalism not just because its condemnation is an age-old practice, but also because it has no place in modern society.

Genteel society prospered when traditional norms formed a symbiotic relationship with industrial means in a conservative way. That synergy has brought progress to generations of indigenous people in various regions. Free trade is for the weak, as well as the strong. Let the times continue or be consumed. I am not at ease with that which opposes the light of day. Let freedom ring!


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